Buscador de Llantas
Sin Tornillo Basculante
Are you one of those people who are never impressed by anything? Have a look at our new exhibition; it will blow your mind..

Our Values


Continuous technical counselling from our specialists.


European type approval licences.


Permanent stock availability and delivery within 24h*
All of our products have been created as result of our concern about the design and attention to detail, giving priority to the technical and security aspects which make the Butzi range the most logical option on the market.
Designed by our own team in our design centre in Barcelona and produced according to the strictest of quality standards, we can offer you and your car the latest design and services.


Do you know the news about the brand BUTZI? Find out, no one will tell you!
BUTZI Wheels is in social media!

BUTZI Wheels is in social media!

These days in which social media becomes more and more important, Butzi Wheels enters the social media world via Facebook and Instagram. Follow us to keep trace of everything that happens in the Butzi world! More information about the drug on...

New collection, new cooperation, BUTZI innovates

New collection, new cooperation, BUTZI innovates

BUTZI has established a new production strategy; this strategy moves away from the model presented in the 2016 collection which are of Italian manufacture. This is because the SUMEX Group came to a collaboration agreement, for its wheel brand BUTZI, with two of the...

The new STELLA model is presented in the new BUTZI collection.

The new STELLA model is presented in the new BUTZI collection.

BUTZI knows the difficulties the wheel market suffers with regard to copies and for that reason they adapt the inspired designs and direct them to specific car brands while respecting market obligations, like including the TPMS valves. They are electronic valves whose...

Do you want to be a BUTZI distributor?

What are you waiting for? If you want more information, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us, we will be happy to help you. Don’t think twice! Contact our team and we will give you all the details about all the advantages and guarantees that come with being one of our distributors. Don’t let anyone get in before you!

If you are a BUTZI follower, don’t forget to make sure you have a copy of our downloadable files on your device. This is the ideal way to keep up to date with all the latest news. Download BUTZI!
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C/ Montilla, 9 – Pol.Ind. Fontsana
08970 Sant Joan Despí. Barcelona.

E-mail. butzi@sumex.com
Tel. +34 933736713

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